How to manage classes on TeacherKit schools?

How to manage classes on TeacherKit schools? This is the second main feature where Admins can create, edit, assign classes to Teachers and Students. Steps to create a class: Tap on manage classes Insert details such as course name, code, category, color, Class start-end date and description. Select/assign course teachers  Select/assign students attending courses.

TeacherKit school Main features

TeacherKit school Main features To ensure an efficient education system, we have implemented four main features in TeacherKit schools Manage users (Link to the article) Manage classes (Link to the article) Class Reports (Link to the article) Student reports (Link to the article)

How to manage/Add users on TeacherKit schools?

How to manage/Add users on TeacherKit schools? Managing users is one of the very essential features in the school management system. It’s the place where you provision all users (Teachers, Students, Parents). There are two ways to add users on the system:  Add user one by one:       -Tap on manage users   […]